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CBD Oil for Dogs?

As medicinal and recreational marijuana become more and more prevalent, you may have heard about another substance called CBD – or cannabidiol. CBD is quickly becoming a safe and legal, albeit controversial, alternative to traditional prescription medications and even medical marijuana itself, and many people are currently exploring the benefits that it can have for their pets as well. If you’re thinking to yourself “hey wait a minute I don’t want to drug my dog!”, fear not. Below, we’ll explain to you what CBD is and isn’t, and the many benefits it can have for both you and your animals.


What is CBD?

CBD is the abbreviation for cannabidiol, which is a compound found in cannabis and hemp. It is not a psychoactive and contains no THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) which is this compound that gives marijuana its psychoactive properties. In layman’s terms, most CBD products can’t get you or your dog “high”. So basically, CBD oils contain the benefits of marijuana without the THC, so your dog can receive the relaxation effects without the intoxication.


What can CBD be used for?

Now that we know what CBD is, let’s go over what it’s can help relieve for your dog and even you.

Stress and Anxiety

CBD oils have been studied at length regarding their effects on stress and anxiety in humans and was found to be useful in reducing both issues in healthy people and people who were diagnosed with anxiety disorders, PTSD and panic disorders. The same can be true for dogs who have separation anxiety or noise phobias.

Epilepsy and Seizures

The beneficial effects of marijuana and CBD on seizures in humans has been studied for quite some time, and has actually been recently approved by the FDA as a treatment option. Typical seizure control drugs, like phenobarbital, have many terrible side effects and are awful for a dog’s liver and other vital organs. CBD can be a safe and viable alternative for treating these conditions.

Cancer, Chronic Pain, and other Diseases

CBD has been shown to fight cancer growth and promote cell death in tumors by blocking the cancer cell’s ability to produce energy.

It also works to treat chronic pain, nerve-related and neuropathic pain, and decreases inflammation of acute pancreatitis and IBS. It can also help with degenerative myelopathy and other spine and nerve issues. It’s been shown to help patients with ALS, Alzheimer’s, and Parkinson’s by shielding brain cells from toxicity.

When studied in animals, CBD has been shown to help with vomiting and nausea even when they are caused by drugs or other toxins.

The Bottom Line

With all of this being said, you may still have some concerns about the legality and usefulness of CBD oil for your pet. Here’s what you need to take away from all of the information provided, and some important things to remember before trying a CBD product for your dog.

  • CBD oil for dogs is legal and safe
  • It is safe when taken in high doses and over extended periods of time
  • Most CBD oil for dogs is derived from hemp oil, so it contains little to no traces of THC, making hemp-based CBD legal in all 50 states

Things to Remember

  • CBD can decrease the activity of liver enzymes used to metabolize a lot of prescription drugs. If your dog is on medications of any kind, check with your vet before using any CBD products/
  • Look for high quality, organic CBD oil. Non-organic products usually contain pesticides, fungicides, or solvents that are not good for you or your dog.
  • Don’t cut corners. The higher the quality of the product, the higher the purity. Unfortunately, this will equal to a higher cost. It’s worth it to pay the price for an organic product free of additives and containing a higher amount of the CBD itself.
  • Look for a product with a certificate of analysis to ensure the amount of actual CBD in the product, and to also ensure that there is little to no THC.
  • Buy CBD tincture for dogs. This makes it so that you can adjust the amount given to your dog dropwise, and make sure they are receiving maximum health benefits.

Most importantly, start your dog off slowly and always consult with your vet before making any changes to medications. With that being said, don’t let people with negative opinions of hemp or marijuana related products tell you that CBD is not a good holistic option for your dog. There is a ton of research to support that this type of product is a viable treatment option.



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