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DIY Dog Shampoo

It’s that time again-DIY Fridays! We decided to take a break from treats this week and try something a little different, and make a DIY dog shampoo! I found the recipe here. They had several different recipes on the original post, so I decided to go with the hypoallergenic one, just to be safe. Down below you’ll find details of the recipe, and some super cute pictures of Pippa suffering through bath time using the end product!

The recipe called for the following:

  • 32 oz of water
  • 1 cup of white vinegar or apple cider vinegar (I used apple cider)
  • 1 cup of lavender scented non-toxic dish soap
  • 1/3 cup glycerine
  • 2 tablespoons aloe vera gel

You’ll also need a bowl, liquid measuring cup and spoon, a whisk, and a container to pour the shampoo in. I ordered clear shampoo bottles on Amazon, as well as some labels and a waterproof paint pen. Many labels lost their lives in my attempt to have neat hand writing.

All you have to do is combine all the ingredients in a bowl, and mix them thoroughly!

Once everything is mixed, pour into your container and you’re good to go. The bottles I ordered were on only 32oz, so I had quite a bit leftover. Since the mixture was kind of a liquid-y consistency instead of a gel, I decided to pour the remainder into a cute little spray bottle I had on hand.

Later on that evening it was time for my victim – er I mean sweet Pippa – to get a B.A.T.H (she was not thrilled)!

I decided to use the spray bottle since the mixture was so thin, and it actually worked out perfectly. I would say it took a good 10 sprays to get a pretty good lather going,

Then she was rinsed and swaddled like the little baby princess that she is!

Once she was dry her coat was shiny and she felt nice and soft, but the smell of the apple cider vinegar was way overpowering. My mom actually ended up spraying her with some puppy perfume, and the next day she smelled fresh as a daisy! But that was the only negative regarding the end result.

Have a recipe you’d like us to try out? Let us know in the comments or send us an email at!




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