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Frozen Apple and Yogurt Treats

We’re back with a new recipe test here at Yappy Life, and this week we decided to focus on autumn’s most underrated fruit – apples! I live in the south so it’s still relatively warm here, so I decided to make these frozen apple and yogurt treats for the pups. To give it a little fall flair I added a few shakes of cinnamon, and with the only other ingredients being apples, yogurt and water I figured it really couldn’t get much easier than this. Taste-tested and approved by River and Pippa!

Here’s what you’ll need:
A blender or Nutribullet
2 Apples
1 cup of plain non-fat Greek yogurt
½ to 1 cup of water (to help the blending process)
A teaspoon of cinnamon (optional)

I started by washing and coring the apples. Thank goodness for this apple corer and slicer, which made the whole process of coring and slicing take about 30 seconds. Make sure that all the seeds are removed, as apple seeds are toxic (and deadly) to dogs!


Once that’s completed, chop the apples into smaller pieces, and toss ‘em in the blender. Dump in the yogurt, water, and cinnamon. Then just blend away until the mixture is smooth! It’s really and truly that easy. My blender had some trouble getting things started, but I just stuffed everything down with a wooden spoon and kept pulsing until things started to get incorporated.


After that, just pour it into ice cube trays and freeze for 4-8 hours, or overnight. I opted for overnight since I made these kind of late in the day. When I took them out, had to loosen the edges with a knife just a little before they would pop out.


Now these dogs have started to realize that when I show up with a Ziplock bag and my camera, that delicious foods are not far behind. As a result, they simply will not sit still. I may or may not have been dangling the bag of treats over my head in order to get them to (kind of) cooperate. The eating part, though? There were no problems with that!

To be honest I think River may have swallowed his whole, but Pippa definitely savored every last bite!


Not gonna lie, I tasted these before I froze them (I was hungry ok?) and I think if they were peeled and the mixture sweetened with something like honey, these would make pretty good froyo pops!


Have any suggestions for treats we should make in the future? River and Pippa would just love to hear them. Let us know in the comments!



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