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Ginger Snap Treats

We haven’t even gotten through Halloween yet and Christmas decorations are already out at many retailers, so we were inspired to get into the holiday spirit a little early here at Yappy Life! This week, we made ginger snap dog treats for the pups, and by the time they were done, the dogs were practically singing Jingle Bells. I adapted this recipe from one I found online and wasn’t sure how they would turn out since this was my first foray into creating an original treat, but they came out wonderfully!


2 1/2 cups Whole Wheat Flour

3/4 Cup All Natural Peanut Butter

3 Tablespoons Ground Ginger

1 Tablespoon Cinnamon

About 1 Cup of water

Before starting anything,I preheated the over to 350 F. After that things were fairly simple, as they are with most dog treat recipes. I dumped all the ingredients in the bowl, minus the water, and stirred them as best I could. I kept adding water by the tablespoon until everything got combined, and then we were good to go!

Once the dough looks like this, it’s ready to be rolled out. If your dough ends up being a little sticky, just keep adding a little more flour until it reaches an easily workable consistency. I also put flour on the work surface as well as the rolling pin to make things extra easy. Roll the dough out to about a quarter of an inch.

Once that’s done, cut out your treats in whatever shape you want, and put them on an un-greased cookie sheet. Stick them in the oven and bake them until they are dry and hard, about an hour.

I wanted the puppers to taste the treats ASAP, so I popped them in the freezer for about 15 minutes to cool them. For storage, I just put them in a Ziplock bag in a cool, dry place.

River and Pippa have zero self control, and lose the ability to sit still when treats are present. As a result, I had to dangle the treats over my head to even get a photo of them. Take note of River’s drool on my leg and Pippa’s tongue.

Got a treat recipe you want these poor, starving dogs to try? Let us know!



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